By: Richard Masoner – CC BY 2.0
I am what is known as a workaholic. I will spend far too much time on far too many work projects resulting in a total neglect of my own well-being. It’s something I’ve been working on for a very long time. As someone who values quality over efficiency when one must be sacrificed, the result can be detrimental. One of my goals for 2015 was to spend more time on what matters in my personal life. So far I feel like I’m doing pretty well.
As I get older, my interests and goals have been refined from world-wide-open to far more realistic. I spent much of my early adulthood planning for a life that I didn’t have and being disappointed when my life didn’t match up to my goals. I had to really try to live for the life I had and plan for improvements in baby steps instead of grand plans. I think it sets me up for much more happiness in the present.
The best tools I can offer for this would be to be gentle with yourself, create routines that make life easier and more enjoyable, and focus on making sure that you’re meeting all your own needs before anyone else’s. It’s not selfish, it’s an act of survival. The better you are to yourself means that you’re offering your best self to those who need you.
Things I will make time for:
Self care
- Cooking clean-eating meals that take a little more time than just buying something pre-made from Trader Joe’s
- Hydrating and taking my vitamins
- Recuperating from socialization (I’m an introvert, I have to have some me time to recharge… even with just watching cat videos)
- Spending time (and a little money) on awesome grooming products. If a moisturizer makes my skin feel rad, I’m going to take the time to use it
- Learning ways to make my home more relaxing and efficient. Finding apps and technology that help my life and home run well
- Spending time finding new ways to keep my home organized and a tranquil place to chill
Personal projects
- I have a BFA in painting and I don’t use it enough. I’ll be finding more ways to incorporate my artwork into more facets of my life and share it with others
- Blogging: I want to share what I’m learning, what I’m eating, and how I’m living to benefit myself and others
Enjoyable energy expending
- I recently acquired a bike for the first time in a fair few years. Time to make the time to ride!
Documenting life
- I’ll never be ashamed of taking selfies
- Taking the time to share life moments with those interested via social networks and personal communication
- Spending time documenting travels and moments in life for my own reflection
Travel and vacations worthy of documenting
- I am the worst at planning trips and taking vacations. With the exception of a couple of weekend trips to see friends, my last actual vacation was in 2011. To do: take more mini trips, staycations, and big ol’ trips when possible
Sometimes writing down goals makes them real. I hope that is the case here. Where are you hoping to channel your energies?
I love this! I think focusing on small, attainable goals that become habit that becomes a way of life is the way to go… Big goals are more like five year plans. It’s the little sustainable changes that make a life!